Little Kimble Free Church

The Church by the Bridge - 100 Years of Good News


What is on this week?

Sunday 28th July 11:00am
Sunday Service 
2 Kings 5:1-19 'Faithful one, unchangeable'
Service led by Kai Turck
Sung Worship led by Harriet and Chris

Optional Pre-Service Prayers in the Hall from 10:35 

Sunday 28th July 6:00PM
Lighthouse PR Commissioning Service
At the Lighthouse venue Princes Risborough Secondary School Play Fields

Tuesday 30th July 7:30-9:00pm
Homegroup / Bible Study in the Church Hall
Topic this week: 'Simplicity'
 All welcome!

Friday 2nd August 6:00 - 7:00pm
'Just Worship'
An hour of sung Worship, Scripture readings and Prayer.
What better way to start August off - plesae come and join us.

Chris' Music Ministry

 Ken's Street Pastor Days

Every Friday, Town Centre Aylesbury

  Useful items for purchase in the Church Hall:
Ø  Handmade greeting cards
Ø  Wide selection of books and jigsaws
All proceeds go to the church funds

Box to accept non-perishable donations in the church hall.
All donations go to the ‘One Can Food Bank’

 Prayer Request:
Please contact us direct for any prayer requests